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Taco The Town

April 1, 2012

I just finished eating an exquisite brunch and like always, took plenty of lovely pictures to share with you all so you can attempt to recreate it in your own kitchen or cooking area!

Start with two tortillas, warmed slightly on the stove, with a couple slices of ham and a slice of muenster cheese each. You might think we’re done here, but we’re not. This isn’t just a lunch taco, it’s a brunch taco.

Fry up a couple of eggs. If none of your good spatulas are clean but you have expertise in advanced spatula use feel free to use the kind pictured above, which is not ordinarily used to control eggs.

It’s important to package your fried eggs into themselves. This is a recursive method of cooking that allows the egg to cook in a complete way and assist in the cooking process by trapping heat inside of itself and getting cooked at the same time.

This is the most beautiful packaged egg I have ever seen.

Now breakfast and lunch both have equal representation in our tacos but something’s still missing.

That’s right, it’s salsa. We can’t rightfully call it a taco without a single Mexican ingredient. So add some homemade salsa to make it an authentic taco.

Serve with a glass of milk and a mug of coffee just like this. If one of your tacos doesn’t stay folded it may require the assistance of your hands. This does not necessarily mean that you assembled the taco incorrectly. Mine was done perfectly but it didn’t stay folded.

  1. Here’s a tip: Why use homemade salsa? I’ve found that the kind from the jar is just as good, if not better! I like to buy “Tostitos” brand salsa because I recognize the name from the kind of chips that I buy, and it tastes pretty good too!

  2. DoritosLadyBear31 permalink

    I lost control of my eggs. What do i do?

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